How to utilise the channel "Surgical Educator" effectively?
I am creating and uploading surgical teaching videos under seven different categories. They are
​Didactic General surgery videos like Scrotal swellings, Acute abdomen, Obstructive jaundice Etc. and it has a colour code of violet.
Common Pediatric Surgery problems videos like Neonatal bilious vomiting, Jaundice in children Etc. and it has a colour code of green.
Videos on trauma surgery like ATLS, Head trauma, Abdominal trauma Etc. and it has a color code of red.
Videos exclusively on all common General Surgery operations like Open/Lap appendicectomy, Open/ Lap Cholecystectomy Etc. and it has a picture of operation theater as the code.
Case-based /Image based questions on various systems like Vascular Surgery, Lower GI tract Etc. and it has my photo as the code.
All my online classes with my real actual students on many important topics. And it also has my photo as the code.
All the skill lab procedures the students should master like NG tube insertion, bladder catheterization Etc. it also has my photo as the code.
The playlist section of the channel, you can watch all the interrelated videos together as a playlist. For example, in Scrotal Swellings playlist you can watch videos on the six causes for this problem. By watching videos on all the causes in a particular problem, you become confident/competent in managing your patients.
In the Clinical Surgery playlist, I have included 9 videos by Dr Ghan Shyam Vidhya, which I think will be very useful to undergraduate medical students to learn the vanishing art of the physical examination.
In the MCQs in Surgery playlist, I have included 12 videos by Dr Imle which consist of thousands of MCQs with answers for your practice.
I will be extremely happy, if you find this channel helpful in your pursuit of obtaining excellence in Surgery.
I wish you all a great learning experience.